Hello, it’s Chrissy Boy here. Send me a question and I'll do my best to answer it.
Unless it contains any of the following:
[The questions above will be rinsed, filtered, processed and finally deleted by our new “Timewaster (tm)” interface, leaving me more time to answer the really important ones].
Thanks CB x
To see posts from the old version of Chris's Cupboard visit the archive Here
Hi Chrissy, I managed to get a refund for my son and I at the Copenhagen gig that was postponed as you suggested, you kindly said you would put us on the guest list for that show, I thought I would buy a ticket and not bother you with that but I see it is now sold out!!! Can you still fix that; I don’t want to disappoint Max but feel a bit bad asking you now. On another note, I was chatting to a friend of mine back home in Brighton and he said he met you at the Albert a few weeks back, he was made up to meet you and said you were a good guy. I Used to play there with my band many years ago, possibly the best small venue in Brighton these days. Can’t wait to get over from Sweden in February and hopefully catch a gig or two there. Cheers.
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Hey Wayne
No problem I’ll get you tickets. Stay in touch on here
CB 🙏
My apologies Chis
Yes those thieving little so and so,s.
Got the right price.
Look forward to seeing you and rest of the lunatics in Swansea in July.
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dear Andrew
It’s an easy mistake and hard to tell everyone where to buy tickets.
Thanks 👍
Are Madness taking the piss?????
£156 per ticket to see them in 2023.
How many divorces would they like us pay for?????
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dear Andrew
I’ve had 2, Barso 2, Woody 2. Joking aside, where have you seen tickets at these prices? Use official sites only.
Hi Chris.. Hope you are well. Not sure if this has been asked before but.. Really missed the HOF this year. Been to every one apart from first. It was always something to look forward to and was always a great weekend. Was also really good to hear random tracks and B sides and the like. Something I know was appreciated by the fans.
To get to the question.. Is the HOF definitely finished fir good or do you see any chance of a resurrection of this amazing weekend?
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dear John
Never say never. The last one was billed as the last one and of course it sold so well our management said “hey fancy another”? Which is understandable. However quite a lot of people came based on that premise. Also, after 10 years we were getting a bit weary..
Is there any possibility of a show in the States soon?
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dear James
Its dependant on two things. 💉 status and financially it’s not that viable. Hopefully we’ll overcome those obstacles.
Hi Chrissy. Massive fan of yourself and the band.
I was wondering if there is a chance Chas might ever return to the fold? Would love to see you guys as a 7 piece again.
Kond regards
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dear Adrian
This is not looking likely at the moment.
We want to buy tickets for Dublin but live in the USA.
how do we do this?
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dear Paul
I’m sure you can buy them online regardless of country. We have people coming from all over the world to see us.
Let me know how you get on.
Hi Chris,
Went to buy concert tickets but it’s 18+??? What are you lot planning on doing lol?
Wanted to take my 15 & 16yr old….show them a proper gig.
Are all the gigs like this or is it just Dublin? Had to pick Dublin because you aren’t doing Northern Ireland :(.
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dear Nik
I’m sure you can bring under 18s let me know how you get on.
Morning , hope your well, the gig at albert park Middlesburgh has a selection of VIP tickets , can i have more info on VIP tickets kind regard, ps i have failed to find any info , kind regards
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dear Simon
We don’t really like stuff like VIP tickets, Golden Circles etc. That may be why.
Hello CB. Been years since I’ve sent in a question! See the band are recording again (great news) Will the song Before We Was We be in the new album?!?
All the best
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dear Matt
It might be. 🤔..
Madness are the first band I hot into aged 10 when Embarrassment was released. I just wanted to thank you all of being part of my life and my question Is…
Are you working on a new album and like all the greats will you still be making albums in your 70’s and 80’s? xxxxxxx
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dear Richard
Thanks for your support 🙏. I never thought I’d still be doing this aged 66, so who knows?
Oh, sorry. I checked IMDB again, and I think I misinterpertered the word ‘departure’. You probably just left the band momentarely. By the way: I’ve allways loved your ‘twaaang’ 😉
Best – BOC
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dear Bo I left the band a few years ago but haven’t departed the astral plane yet. Glad you cleared that up.
Dear Chris
Why did Madness postpone the concert in Denmark from 12’th of september 2022 to the second of june 2023? We are speculating on if any of you broke a limb – or something,,,
Best – BOC
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dear Bo
It wasn’t financially viable. It still isn’t but we’re doing it!
How can I get tickets and how much will they be for the piece hall in June 2023
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dear Kevin
Sorry they sold like crazy hope you got one.
PS we’re “bigger than Sting” (in Halifax)
With the Summer Tour next year, will Madness still be doing a winter tour in 2023?
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dear Max
Hey You!! finally playing Swansea !! Great news to hear on a Monday morning. Thankyou all. I’m hoping that you remember me from a few years back when you and Rhoda travelled to Bridgend to Steve Strange funeral and upgraded you to first class. I’m not trying to blag tickets but if there is any possibility of getting to meet yourself and the rest of the band whilst in Swansea it would be another step beyond for couple of Mad Jacks. Ps travel by train for the gig and I’ll upgrade you all. 🙂 A Summer of fun to look forward to., Best regards to you all.
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Dear Martin
Hey I’ll sort something out – not meet th4 band but I dunno. Thanks for that upgrade 🙏 I will put you on the guest list though. Stay in touch.
Hi. My 17 year old daughter, Albane, made by discover one of your “recent song” : Knew your name. I have no clue how she got to know
about his song, even if you your hits are entirely part of our Family’s music culture. She is a musician and sung it to me once,
in a French free translation. We worked together on the lyrics so that they could resonate with her own life. I have to be honest I just LOVE that version.
It respects yours but describes the story from the girl angle. I am not sure why she changed to French but My Dad’s guess
is that the boy she is refering to was a Frog.
She just turned 17 last week and my gift to her is a Studio session with Pros in order to record 2 songs including this one.
I don’t really know what to ask you but she was feeling down today and cried in my arms so I thought maybe you could help me cheering her up.
She has her own youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmwH5VczUK9BBMEgpD5g2g) on which you will not find your song (not sur why)
Maybe you could just live a message there saying that you heard she had an interesting version to share and that you are looking forward to listening to it.
She or I could send you a very basic recording. God knows, with a bit of Madness you could even turn up at the recording (to be booked) if you like her Frenchy Girl cover.
I am sure you know what Dads can do for their girls so you won’t mind me trying. I am on my to a The Cure concert tonight. I might ask Robert for a lipsticky selfie but
she has not covered these Boys (yet).
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Dear Chris,
I have just pre-ordered “The Get Up ,DVD/CD”, ,(watched it when it was originally broadcast, ), and I was wondering , is the soundtrack cd the “live” recording of the gig or are the songs studio recordings.? I absolutely love “If I Go Mad”, and the version of Concrete and Clay with Roland Gift was superb would make an excellent single. All the best, keep the new music coming, it’s very much appreciated.
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dear Andy
Thanks for ordering the DVD and CD. The soundtrack CD will be the same audio as the DVD. We are [hopefully] starting work soon on a new album and we will re record “I Go Mad” for that, as we have been playing it live for some time.
best, CB
Please come to Las Vegas in 2023. Thank you.
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dear Mark
Love to but current Vxx rules make it impossible, three of us are unvaxxed, plus have you ever tried to get a US work visa, it’s a joke. You have to be waiting at 7am for the call and the amount of hoops you have to jump through at the US Embassy haha. It’s like the cold war is still alive and kicking. It also costs loads of money and the last time I went they confiscated my earbud headphones [not allowed phones in there] as they were “electronic equipment” like I was a spy or something. It’s easier to get into North Korea.. One day we shall return but I may be retired by then.
best, Comrade CB of the KGB
Hi Chris, Is There ANY Chance Any Way, I Could Get Hold Of A (Waiting For The Ghost Train) Repro News Paper Suit? I Have Tried All The Two Tone/Ska Shops. But No Joy. Thanks Mate
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dear Mark
They were made for us and you’d have to find someone to make you one really.
My name is Rick Troutman and I’m a YouTube and podcast creator, musician and producer and I interview individuals involved in the music industry located all over the world. I’m doing a series of interviews of musicians that had big hits in the 80’s Madness’s “Our House” was one the great hits of that time. I do everything through a Zoom interview at a time that is convenient to the musician. I’ve interviewed several individuals in the UK and interviews usually take place late afternoon or early evening UK time. If Madness is interested I would be happy to provide additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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Dear Rick
I can do it but I can’t speak for the rest of the guys
Hi. Just listened to Primrose Hill which I haven’t heard for years. Wanted to say thanks to you guys – I was one of the brass band players that recorded it and played it onstage with you once. Great memory. Thanks.
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Dear Roy
That was a great moment thanks for joining us
Hi, I live in New York and I was supposed to see Madness this year for the first time ever! I’ve been a lifelong fan. I am now 53 and I am engaged to a man who lives in Romford. This is an incredible long shot. I don’t see any gigs for my next visit in November and December. Is there any possible way that I might be able to meet the band? Or anyone from the band? I know this is a crazy request. My fiancé has seen the Madness perform many times! I was hoping for a selfie or an autographed picture or anything. Thank you in advance, and I’m apologizing for my crazy request.
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dear Valerie
I’ll see what I can do. Which may be nothing so don’t hold your breath or whatever.
Chris, have the band ever thought about doing a gig and just playing album tracks and b-sides, no singles or hits?Theres So many good tunes that should be heard.
Thanks for Thetford forest once again, forever in your debt for that .
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Dear Wayne
We’ve done something like this at Butlins I think but only as a one off, so not likely.
My 13 year old loves the nutty boys. If he gets a chance to see you live? You were were my first band at the NEC. Legends to carry on……
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dear David
We’ll be out and about next year bring him along, I’ll put you on the guest list.
Can I “book” you for my wedding anniversary?
Better ask early – what kind of money?
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dear Jarrod
please contact our agent WMA
best, CB
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no need to shout
Hi – would you be interested in playing at Whitby Showground on the 22nd July 2023? We are organising an inaugural festival 21st to 23rd July and would be asking you to headline the 22nd. If you think it might be something you could be interested in and want any further details please get in touch!
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dear Petra
Please contact our agent WMA